Welcome to Flippers to Fins Scuba Academy

Flippers to Fins is an owner operated dive school situated in Midrand, 2km from the Allandale offramp.

Our aim is to train competent and confident divers of all ages in a safe and tranquil environment. We place emphasis on Dive safety through education and ensure that when you leave us you have learnt something and you’re ready to dive the world.

Our Instructor has 16 years experience in the medical field as an Advanced Life Support Paramedic and has been teaching Scuba Diving for 11 years.

We aim to make Scuba diving affordable for the whole family and once you’re qualified, to keep you diving. With us there are no hidden costs, or need to buy something for your course, like with so many other dive schools, all our course costs are all inclusive, you just need to arrive and let the fun begin !!!

Our course dates and times are flexible to suit your requirements.

We supply a wide range of dive gear at discounted rates to enable every diver to own his or her own gear.

Contact us on 082 461 0137 or info@flipperstofins.co.za

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